Sex is for every body

Brief: D&AD 2020, Durex, in collaboration with Martina Francula


In response to the 2020 D&AD Durex brief, a fellow student and I created an unapologetic and empowering campaign to improve participation and representation of disabled people in the sexual wellness space. Our research showed that sex is different for everyone and disabled people want people to know that they have sex just like anyone else; this constant question is annoying and unnecessary.

Our campaign aimed to kickstart a positive conversation around the idea that no matter how you do it or how you view what sex is, sex is for every body. The simple, unapologetic statement cuts through the complexities and awkwardness, creating awareness for this misunderstood topic.

Familiar symbols, with a slight twist, shock viewers, getting them to question their own preconceptions surrounding the topic. The use of symbols also aims to make the campaign very inclusive. A guerilla social media campaign and added features such as packaging and tote bags get the campaign out into the public eye and kickstart a positive conversation.


Fashioning a Circular Future

