Dappled - Variable Display Typeface

ISTD Biophilia Brief 2020


The 2020 ISTD Biophilia brief served as the basis for this project. It asked for a typographic piece of work that provides an indirect experience of nature, reconnects the audience to natural elements and has a positive impact on health and wellbeing. My research led me to find out about the physiological benefits of stochastic movement - unpredictable movements found in nature such as butterflies or bees flying, water babbling or grasses swaying in the wind etc. I chose to focus my project on emulating the calming appearance and stochastic movement of dappled light. The resulting variable display typeface ‘Dappled’ is designed for use in homes, schools or offices to create a calming and restorative experience.

Video Type Specimen for Dappled


Green Zine - Food Edition


Animal T-Shirt Design Competition